Life Philosophy
"Know that the path you walk will not always be straight nor the ground you tread always level. But cherish the time you spend with one another and endeavor to enjoy the journey, for therein lies your happiness." MJ Losacco 2011
Join the CULT-F™ revolution! Divest yourself of the animosity, ignorance, hate, bias, and punishment that are at the heart of cancel culture and the divisive society we live in. Instead, strive to apply CULT-F™ in your daily living. CULT-F™ is an acronym for Compassion, Understanding, Love, Tolerance, and Forgiveness. Incorporating these five aspects of progressive spiritual living will assist you to become a better you and help elevate humanity.
Twenty-five plus years experience teaching a wide variety of computer classes to diverse students with differing developmental levels while accommodating individuals needs. Currently Professor of Computer & Information Science (CIS) for the Business & Applied Technology Division with expertise in Web Design & Development at College of DuPage. 5-time nominee for College of DuPage Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award. Named 2012-2013 Business & Technology Division Outstanding Faculty of the Year.
Over fifteen years of experience resulting in solid accomplishments in all areas of information technology (software, hardware, and end user community). Owner/operator of two businesses since inception, spanning over twenty years. MJPL Productions is my web site design & and photography business in which I create and maintain web sites. For photography, I use a Sony a1 with 16-35mm wide, 90mm macro, and 200-600mm telephoto lenses. I also have a 2x teleconverter lens that I use with the telephoto. My tripod is a Sirui N-2204SK with a Surui PH-20 gimbal. Shoot mainly birds, but also architecture, landscape, nature, and portraits. Post-production work in Adobe Photoshop. Was an FFL (Federal Firearms License) dealer with over 1700 customers and over 7000 transfers performed.
Keep a 75 gallon aquarium populated with a couple Philippine Blue angelfish (Pterophyllum Scalare) and several different rainbowfish: Australian (Melanotaenia Fluviatilis), Goyder River (Melanotaenia Trifasciata), Kamaka (Melanotaenia Kamaka), Threadfin (Iriatherina Weneri), and Turquoise (Melanotaenia Lacustris). The 75 also houses an Agassiz's dwarf cichlid (Apistogramma Agassizii), a Dragon goby (Gobioides Broussonnetii), four Skirt Tetras (Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi), a False Bandit cory (Corydoras Melini), a couple Green cories (Corydoras Splendens), and a Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus Oblongus).
Wrote RuneCraft, the first book in a trilogy of high fantasy novels that explores deep, metaphysical themes. The story revolves around Peter Uriel, who, after making his transition, is sent to another world to save them from utter ruination. Here they have waited a thousand years for the Destroyer, some in anticipation of being brought to light, others in fear of being enveloped by darkness. But can Uriel master his chosen Path, traversing the chasm between white and black magic? RuneQuest (Book II) is in proces and RuneMaster (Book III) is forthcoming. Volume I (which is planned) takes place about 1000 years before the current story. Volume III (which is also planned) resumes the story shortly after the conclusion of Volume II. The entire first book is available on this site if you would like to read it.
Former head coach of the women's soccer team at College of DuPage. Named Division III N4C, Region IV, and District D Coach of the Year for 2003. National Coach of the Year Finalist. Directed the 2003 squad to 1st Place (tied) N4C, Region IV Championship, District D Championship, and 4th in the National Championship Tournament.
Make traditional southern Italian dishes, soups (Italian Wedding, Minestrone), and desserts (biscotti, taralli).