Chapter 32

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The agent was conducted by the guard to an underground chamber where the seven adepts sat on thrones in various places based on rank. Two candles burned on either side of them, the one on the right being white, the one on the left, black. In the center of the chamber was an altar upon which was the Sacred Scrolls of the Moons & Stars. The Sacred Scrolls was opened to the page containing the verse regarding the Destroyer. And resting upon the page was the Rune of Stagnation. Like the other Runes of Power, it was made of gold and silver, shimmering with the essence of its own being.

The seven adepts shared an emotional silence. Finally, the one on the dais spoke. "One thousand years. One thousand years our brethren have waited. And now we shall see if we are brought to light or enveloped by eternal darkness."

Here ends RuneCraft
Book I of The Seven Runes of Power
Volume II of The Epic Tales of Khaballe

Book II of The Seven Runes of Power
Volume II of The Epic Tales of Khaballe
will concern itself with the fates
of Rhenycyn and Uriel and the search
for the remaining Runes of Power.

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