Bhel'Ehzz (bel ez) - capital of Khaballe
Daath Ul Thaum (däth ul thôm) - hold in Thaum Weald
Eh-Thern-Ah (e tern ä) - village southeast of Sagghez’ah
Erlym Range (er lim) - western range
Fhon Dhawz (fôn däwz) - town that is home for the Dwarfs
Ghabry, Sea of (gä brē) - western sea
Ghaury, Sea of (gaw rē) - eastern sea
Ghlor Nhor (glor nor) - town that is home for the Moderns
Khaballe (kâ bâl) - central continent on Lhogosse
Kho Rhon'ah Arbor (kō rōn ä) - forest on Kho Rhon’ah
Kho Rhon'ah Mountains (kō rōn ä) - on Kho Rhon’ah
Kho Rhon'ah, Isle of (kō rōn ä) - small isle n. of Khaballe
Khyaroh (kee är rō) - larger of the two moons
Lhogosse (lō gōs) - the planet
Mhaktyelle Deep (mäk tē el) - southwest forest
Mhaterelm Moor (mät âr elm) - marsh off the Trsyel River
Mlkym Range (mil kim) - eastern range
Mystyk Keep (mis tik) - hold on the Isle of Kho Rhon’ah
Nahal River (näl) - river running west
Mhykord'ah (mi kord ä) - town that is home for the Clerics
Oertha Sea (or tä) - northern sea
Phul, Lake (pül) - on shore of Bhel’Ehzz
Qadesh Cavern (kä desh) - cavern under Mlkym Range
Qyntes'ah (kwin tes ä) - forest home of the Elves
Raffha Sea (räf fä) - southern sea
Rhampel Hills (räm pel) - hills east of Bhel’Ehzz
Rheg Nhor (reg nor) - town that has shipping and trading
Rraj Ahmorre (räj ä mor) - northern continent
Rraj Dhevhotte (räj dev ät) - continent southeast of Khaballe
Rraj Estette (räj es tet) - continent west of Khaballe
Rraj Mhajje (räj mäj) - continent east of Khaballe
Rraj Saghasse (räj säg äs) - northern continent
Rraj Syezze (räj sē ez) - continent southwest of Khaballe
Rraj Vhollhonne (räj vol lōn) - northern continent
Sagghez'ah (säg gez ä) - town that is home for the Humans
Sarhag Fields (sär äg) - plains east of Bhel’Ehzz
Sevhert'ah (sev ârt ä) - dangerous merchant town
Skhuroh (skü rō) - smaller of the two moons
Sylvan Forest (sil van) - northeastern forest
Tanglewood - northwestern forest
Thaum Mountains (thôm) - haunted northern range
Thaum Weald (thôm) - haunted northern forest
Tymber Haunt (tim ber) - eastern forest
Tower of the Moons - witches hold
Trsyel River (tris ē el) - river running east
Twisted Horn - river running north
Vhyt Dhaxz (vit däks) - town that is home for the Halflings