Chapter 30
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The Prince had grouped Athar's name with Tomhylhen's, the High Priest of the Suns from Mhykord'ah, the city of clerics. The self-righteous old man was accompanied by Eybbenna, a young female cleric who was devout and tireless in her work. Though they would be petitioning for an increase in the prescribed wages for their profession as healers, Rhenycyn knew Tomhylhen and Athar shared a common goal.
Zhultanyr, from the dangerous city of Sevhert'ah came next on Rhenycyn's list. Zhultanyr was the cities' Warden, a sly, cunning and sometimes treacherous man. His favor was frequently sold to the highest bidder, which usually required reneging on deals previously made with others. The Prince looked up from his notes and gave him a cold stare, his mind searching for a plausible reason to dismiss Zhultanyr from the Conclave, knowing that his presence here would eventually lead to difficulties for the kingdom. The Warden returned Rhenycyn's gaze with a tight, calculated smile. It was rumored his primary goal was to obtain the exclusive rights to the lucrative erhybovo, a leaf with strong medicinal properties recently discovered in Tanglewood to the west of their city. But Rhenycyn's operatives uncovered attempts at establishing black market trade of weapons, alcohol and addictive narcotics with other cities.
The Prince shifted his gaze to a black man from the city on the far southern tip of Khaballe, Rheg Nhor. Farhyng was an old salt who was rumored to have been a pirate in his younger days and thought to be in league with Zhultanyr. The Castellan governed the sea port town that was populated by all the races but more so by blacks from what once was a huge castle overlooking the Raffha Sea, hence his title. He had been talking about obtaining more relaxed regulations for shipping, but Rhenycyn suspected Farhyng would be instrumental in Zhultanyr's black market trade.